Sunday, January 13, 2008


My name is Nada Sakr and I am a 3rd year kindergarten and elementary education student. My hobbies are cooking, photography, and camping. As for my family, I am Lebanese and I’m the eldest of 4. I recently got married (in the summer), and I am almost 4 months pregnant.

I’m not the most computer literate person you’ll meet but I can work myself around it. I mostly use the computer for school work and email. I’m comfortable with word, PowerPoint and basic excel. I’m not a huge fan of Facebook but my husband and most of my friends are on it. I’ve never used any blogs in the past so this is completely new to me.

I should include technology is the classroom because technology is present everywhere in and out of school. My job as an educator is to prepare my students to become active and aware citizens of their community and of the world. If I don’t integrate technology is the classroom they will miss out on a lot. However, with the integration of technology teachers should make children aware of the ``downfalls`` of technology and the dangers that come with it.

I expect to become more at ease with the computer, so I can be comfortable enough to use it in my classroom. Also, I would like to learn the different ways that I can use this tool in my classroom.

As for my mark, I read that default mark for the course is a B+, and that A and A- are given to superior work. Right now, I would say that my computer abilities are probably at the average grade, but I hope that I will be able to deliver superior work and impress you as well as myself.

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