Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29th, 2008
Chapter 6, Community Building With Technologies

Textbook questions

1.What responsibilities do teacher and students share in cultivating a learning community in the classroom? How can technology serve the goals of a learning community, and how might technology get in the way?

Each individual in the classroom has a responsibility when developing a learning community using technology. ‘A user community creates a database where notes are stored, ideas are connected, and knowledge produced’ the teacher posts the notes and the students share ideas, which helps them own the knowledge (Jonassen et al. 2008, p.102). Technology might get in the way if the teacher disconnects and gives too much freedom. Even if technology is used, teachers should ‘provide and overall framework for their work’, if that is not done, it will ‘result in unfocused, unproductive time spent’ with technology (Jonassen et al. 2008, p.111).

2. With technology-supported learning communities, students learn different things at different speeds. How can a teacher keep track of students’ various learning needs and make sure everyone is progressing well?

Teachers can use programs such as wiki or blogs to track students’ progress.
Students post their work and ideas and this way the teacher will see at what level the student is and if they are progressing well. Also, blogs ‘encourage students who wouldn’t normally participate in class discussions’ (Jonassen et al. 2008 p.113) to express themselves. This helps teachers track these students’ understanding and progress; without technology, these students’ voices wouldn’t be heard.

Journal Entry

I always thought that making a webpage would be a very complicated thing to make. I spoke to my husband about making a webpage a while ago, and we actually went out to a bookstore and bought 2 books about making webpages. It was a bit complicated so their still lying in the library at home. When I came home on Wednesday night, I was very excited to show him how simple Nvu was.

When such programs are introduced to me, it makes me optimistic about using technology in my classroom. I always thought that I would use the simplest technology in my classroom (Microsoft word and maybe power point). Also, now that I read about different ways of using technology I realize that they can be very useful to me and to my classroom. Knowledge Forum, Wiki, and blogs are a very good way for students to convey understanding to the teacher and to their fellow students. As stated, it is a great way to encourage and create ‘a community of learners’ in the classroom (Jonassen et al, 2008, p.113).

As Johnassen et al (2008, p.120) states, teachers should clearly define and scadfold the objectives of the task at hand. This way, students will use technology properly and the task won’t be wasted.

Also I realized how important it is for teachers to communicate security concerns with their students. I think it’s a great idea that Mrs.Walford reads posts before they’re entered on the blog and onto the World Wide Web. This way, she will make sure that the students don’t post any personal information about themselves (Jonassen et al. 2008 p.117).

Teachers should not only inform students about their personal safety but also about the bad information that might be online. I agree with November when he states that ‘the internet is a free and open global forum where anyone can express any version of the truth. It represents the most dangerous information environments’ (November 2001, p.29). Because students are untrained to think critically, they will believe whatever they read and that is why we need to inform them about the incorrect information that they might encounter.

I never knew that a URL can say so much about a Web Address. I never knew that the abutz gives away that it’s a personal Web site (November, 2008, p.32) We should inform our students about this before getting them to surf the World Wide Web for accurate information.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blog 2

Nada Sakr
ID 260192100
January 16th, 2008

2. Do carpenters learn from their hammers, saws, levels, and other tools? Can they learn anything about them without using them? Do they learn about carpentry with their tools?

Carpenters learn theory then put into practice. They apply the theory. Just like when technology is used, students apply what they have learned onto the computer; “students may externalize their internal mental models using a variety of computer based mind tools” (Jonassen et al 1999, p. 83). The tools that the carpenter uses facilitate the learning and the meaning making processes (Jonassen et al 1999, p. 83).

4. Recall the first time that you had to teach a new topic or skill. How well did you know the topic before you taught it? Did you know it better after you taught it? Should learners become teachers without using technology? Recall that we have argued that learners should be teaching the technology.

It is very important that a teacher knows what she will teach the students, therefore before teaching a topic; I make sure I know the topic to the best of my abilities. However, after teaching a specific lesson to my students, I gain a different perspective on the topic because of my student’s insight. Technology should not be teaching the students but the other way around as Jonassen et al states. Learners should use technology to become teachers. It should, however, be used the right way; in a way which would facilitate the learning process. Computer models helps learners construct better mental models. Therefore, after using technology, the learner has a better insight on the topic at hand and technology used will help the students retain the lesson (Jonassen et al 1999).

14. We argue in the conclusion that Mindtools represent intellectual toolbox that can help students learn. We do not believe that these are the only kinds of intellectual tools that students should have. What other nontechnological intellectual tool should students have or develop to help them learn?

Nontechnological tools that can be used to help students in their learning are hands-on activities that will help them retain more information. For example, in mathematics, students can use base 10 blocks, cusonary rods, etc; these nontechnological tools will serve as visual aids and they will also help retain the arithmetic. Also, interacting with their classmates is an intellectual advantage to the class as a whole. Children as well as adults learn from other people’s insight. Therefore this can be used as another nontechnological toll for learning. After all “the more ways the learners can represent their conceptual understanding, the better they will understand” (Jonassen et al 1999, p. 83).

Week 2: Reflection on lecture, course pack, and textbook

Graphic organiser/ Modeling with technologies

Graphic organizers and especially Inspiration are new to me. I have used word to graph and organize information, however I find that Inspiration is definitely much simpler and as said in the course pack, it is very user friendly (Anderson-Inman & Ditson 1999 p.20) .
I agree with the course pack when they say that concept mapping facilitates learning and teaching. Also ``concept mapping by teachers help students understand, whereas concept mapping by students help teachers understand what is being learned`` They see misconceptions and correct them (Anderson-Inman & Ditson 1999 p.18) . It is a great tool to use in the classroom because by brainstorming or revising a concept, the students and teacher can easily see the knowledge that the students have of a specific concept.
Also, compared to hand written mapping, technological mapping can be easily expanded, modified, and they are much clearer (Anderson-Inman & Ditson 1999 p.20). We witnessed that in the classroom when we were changing computers and adding information to other students’ work. We were able to easily modify and add things, and we didn’t have to erase any of the other people’s work.
I completely agree with the argument in the textbook that ``using the technology to teach students does not exploit the capabilities of the technologies or the students`` (Jonassen et al 1999 p. 82). Therefore technology should be used as a complementary source, and not eliminate the job of a professional teacher. I would use these programs in my classroom for brainstorming, revision and the way we used it in class this week.
Students learn in different ways and need different tools to help them remember what they have learned. I remember having to memorize pages and pages of notes for my high school history exams. As soon as I finished my exam, I completely forgot what I had learned. However as stated in Jonassen et al 1999 `` building models of that content will help students better comprehend and remember what they are learning``.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


My name is Nada Sakr and I am a 3rd year kindergarten and elementary education student. My hobbies are cooking, photography, and camping. As for my family, I am Lebanese and I’m the eldest of 4. I recently got married (in the summer), and I am almost 4 months pregnant.

I’m not the most computer literate person you’ll meet but I can work myself around it. I mostly use the computer for school work and email. I’m comfortable with word, PowerPoint and basic excel. I’m not a huge fan of Facebook but my husband and most of my friends are on it. I’ve never used any blogs in the past so this is completely new to me.

I should include technology is the classroom because technology is present everywhere in and out of school. My job as an educator is to prepare my students to become active and aware citizens of their community and of the world. If I don’t integrate technology is the classroom they will miss out on a lot. However, with the integration of technology teachers should make children aware of the ``downfalls`` of technology and the dangers that come with it.

I expect to become more at ease with the computer, so I can be comfortable enough to use it in my classroom. Also, I would like to learn the different ways that I can use this tool in my classroom.

As for my mark, I read that default mark for the course is a B+, and that A and A- are given to superior work. Right now, I would say that my computer abilities are probably at the average grade, but I hope that I will be able to deliver superior work and impress you as well as myself.