Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 25th 2008
Chapter 9 p.204-216 visualizing with Technologies

Chapter questions
.Is it ever possible to learn from television alone-that is learn how to do something merely from watching television instruction? What meaning will it have after only watching the show?
If the instructions are clear and the person giving the instructions gives them in an understandable manner, I think that I can learn how to do something from watching television instruction alone. I watch programs such as decorating houses or the food network and when the person is giving me instructions, I’m able to cook the meal the same way and go out and buy the stuff to decorate my house in the same way the host did

2. Video production is constructivist; that is, students are learning by constructing an artifact. What other kinds of constructionist activities can you think of (using technologies or not)?
A drama play is an example of a constructionist activity. I create the dialogue with the students, then we make the setting, the costumes, and finally we act the play out. Another great one is creating a collective book. First we brainstorm, then we write the story, then we make the drawings, and finally we put the book together!

3.Video feedback has been called a ‘’mirror with a memory’’. Why is seeing yourself on television such a compelling and incisive experience? How do you see yourself? Why is it so powerful?
Seeing myself on a screen allows me to view myself as another person. I can judge myself from another perspective. Whereas seeing my instantaneous reflection on the mirror doesn’t have the same effect on me. I remember watching my engagement party video and I couldn’t believe what I looked like. I didn’t realize how much weight I had gained. Even though I saw my reflection in the mirror everyday, watching myself on screen has an awakening effect on me; that’s so powerful!

Journal entry and chapter review

I never knew how simple it is to create a collage using movie maker! I have to use still images and sound to create a short story. Ours actually turned out looking like a commercial. It was about stress at work and then we added a funny twist at the end with hakuna matata from the lion king.
When relating this to the readings I think that it would be great to ‘’produce a documentary about themselves’’ (Jonassen et al. p. 205). Students would use their digital cameras and camcorders to take images and videos. As Jonassen mentions, using video will engage students in meaningful learning; in order to do that students need to use imagination, take chances and obviously equipments such as cameras, camcorder, and a computer (p.207).
In order to create a good movie with all the scenes and images they have taken, students need to edit their shots using softwares such as iMovie (p.208). The textbook gives a great explanation about the use but we will be learning how to use it in our next class.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19th 2008
Chapter 9 Visualizing with Technologies

This chapter deals with technology and the way it helps students visualize concepts that are usually very abstract. According to Jonassen et al. “humans need visual prostheses for helping them to visualize ideas and to share those images with others” (p.192).
Such concepts in school come from subjects in math, science, and geography. In chemistry, a program such as McSpartan helps students “generate mental images of chemicals that aided their understanding (p.193). In math, technology isn’t just computer generated but simple things such a graphic calculator can help students see things that are usually very abstract concepts in this subject.

Textbook Questions

In this chapter, we have described how various technologies can function as visual prostheses. Can you think of other ways that technologies can help us “see things: in a new way? Are there scientific concepts that you had a hard time imagining at school?

Other technologies that help us see things in a new way are microscopes and telescopes. We can’t usually see small molecules with our eyes alone. Thanks to the microscope we can see such things. Also, because stars and planets are so far away we can’t see them in detail, once again thanks to technology we can see things in a new way. The scientific concepts I had a hard time with are chemistry and physics. I was always hard to imagine them because it was so abstract in my head. Also I had a very difficult time with geography and history!

Google Earth goes a long way toward mapping the world. How will that affect our perception of the world?’

I think that Google Earth is a great tool for mapping the world and it will affect
our perception of the world in a positive way. It let us see things that we would normally not see. They are usually abstract in out heads; thanks to Google Earth we can see clear images of different places in the world.

What kinds of reasoning/thinking are students performing when they think mathematically?

Math is an abstract field of study! The concepts are vey abstract in ones head. Therefore not all people are good in math because not all people can think in that way! However thanks to the visualizing technology, students who need imaging are able to show their abilities in mathematics; something they couldn’t do without the technology; I’m one of those people!

Journal Entry

When people used to ask me if I knew how to use Power Point very well I used to answer yes! But I guess I was wrong because I learnt many things that I didn’t know before. I learnt how to put icons that let me go from one page to another and I learnt how to link to the net. I think that power point is a great tool to use in the classroom because it helps students as well as teachers lecture in a less stressful manner. However, the slide shouldn’t be too detailed and people shouldn’t read exactly what’s on the power point because it will be too boring to watch.

The film we watched in class was great. It made me look at education from a different perspective. The lecturer expressed concern about the lack of creativity there is in our schools. I especially liked when he said that we are born creative and then lose creativity as we go by life. In other words we lose our creativity! Also, not all kids are the same; every child learns in a different way. He spoke about students with ADHD and explained that they need to move around and a “normal” classroom that doesn’t offer creative movement isn’t always the right place for students that need to move.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 4th, 2008

Educational Webpages – February 20th, 2008

In Search of the Way of Knowing Trail
There’s a lot of reading, maybe there should be a narrator. Students might not read all the information and lose patience.
I like how it provides options. Ex: What would you do? Walk along the road to the village or walk through the forest to the village. It allows students to take responsibility over their choice. There are a lot of vocabulary words and definitions. The “Factbook” is very useful. The use of maps and compass is also used in this webpage.
However, students are not applying the information gained. We would not recommend this site for children who have difficulty reading.

Mouth Power
A great voice at the beginning! There’s an intro to explain the purpose of the webpage. The intro motivates its user to visit the website. It uses a positive reinforcement by congratulating the students when they have done a good job and giving them a certificate at the end. There are lots of animation and great sound effects.
Not only does it teach dental hygiene but the five food groups and their effect on your teeth. It also requires the use of some math skills by presenting food portions.
It also gives advice to maintaining a healthy life style.
However, this webpage doesn’t challenge its users. It is too easy and gives away the answers. Moreover, tobacco isn’t a good example to represent to kindergarten students because it is not meaningful to them. It is not an example they can relate to. Perhaps, the overconsumption of candy will be more effective.
I recommend this webpage for young children.

Black Holes: Gravity’s Relentless Pull
It has a great introduction to explain what black holes are using sound, images, and animation. The words are written emphasizing what is being said. It provides explanations of vocabulary related words. It is simple to use.
Not only does it teach the user about black holes, it teaches the user about various elements in the sky. When the user scrolls on the page, it indicates where the black hole is. It also has some information on the solar system and various planets.
It has a lot of animation and sound effects which captivates students.
It takes the user on a voyage to the universe, making this webpage even more exciting!
It challenges the user by asking the speed of the speed craft and by explaining the right answer. We definitely recommend this webpage for older children.

Zoo Matchmaker
The game has great animation in the beginning with funny examples captivating the user. The examples are comparative and the music puts the user in the jungle mood. However, there’s a sexual content which isn’t completely appropriate for children. The female and male tiger go under a tree to breed. Then the tree leaves shake and they have babies. The user has to make the most resistant baby tigers in order for them to survive.
This webpage provides teaching resources that includes a data table for teachers. It includes camps for children from grade 1 to 12. It provides many links. The website is colored and easy to go around.

Visited websites

Power Point
Power Point is a great tool to use in the classroom. It’s good for the teacher as well as for students. Teachers can use it to help with certain lessons whereas students can use it for oral presentations. I used to be very nervous when doing oral presentations. The main reason is because I was scared to lose my train of thought. Power point keeps the user on track and the main points of the presentation will be present on the slides.

Scholastic is great for teacher because it has teaching resources such as lesson plans, strategies and professional development about classroom management, integrating technology, and reading. Also a teacher can become a member in order to get printable and free programs. I think it’s GREAT!
It’s also good for students. I especially like that students can become writers and publish their work online. I believe that students like to have their work online; it provides students with a meaningful reason to work. Also, they can join a community of writers.

Inspiration is a great tool for students. It helps in many aspects of learning which include projects, studying for exams, and writing papers. It’s a visual aid which represents `thought through images and words`. It helps students as well as teachers brainstorm ideas for new projects or class themes. Also, it can be used in any subject area (science, language arts, math etc…) and at any grade level depending on the depth one wants to use it. This site also offers teachers resources such as books on image learning such as: (determining cause and effect, making comparison, decoding ideas, generating questions, evaluating information and testing one's knowledge), and lesson plans.

Alan Kay article: ‘Revealing the Elephant: The Use and Misuse of Computers in Education

In his article, Alan Kay is arguing that what we learn depends on the society and school that we grow up with. If we are given the opportunity as children to learn hard things then we will because children are always up to the challenge. Music is not easy, but he gives an example of the effect of music in his school. Because of its emphasis in the school he attended, his love for music is still in him until today. Also, most if not all children in that school knew how to read and play music because it was very important in his school.

He also argues that the most important documents in the world are argumentative ones yet only 5% of American have learned to think or write in these non-story form. Most of us read narratives because these are the types of book we have been exposed to the most when growing up. He sais that instead of being exposed to `stories`, ‘it is very important for children to become fluent in all three of the central forms of
thinking …which are stories, logical arguments as well as system dynamics’ `. In order for that to happen, he sais that teachers need to know how to think that way so they can be able to teach it to the students.

When looking at technology in the classroom, he states that we need to create an embedded environment with right support for the classroom teachers. When he visited classrooms, he noted that there were computers in the classroom, but according to him, it was used as `junk food`; not in the right way at all. Children aren’t learning and growing with the technology because they are not challenged and shown how too. Once again he states that American say that its hard just like the argumentative text and therefore they don’t put the effort in learning its symbols.

Finally, I think that the author is right when he sais that we don’t put enough effort in things that we perceive as hard. We need to become a community that loved to learn and where else to start than in the classroom. Teachers need to build a community of learners in their classroom because it all starts there. But we can’t do it alone. We need support and help from professionals but I think that the class that we are taking now is a good start at showing us how to integrate technology into our classrooms.